Global Farmland*
7th 2011, Jayati Ghosh |
extraordinary new process has been at work in the past
few years: the aggressive entry of Indian corporations
into the markets for agricultural land in Africa. At
one level, this process is simply following the hoary
old tradition in global capitalism, of firms (often
supported by the governments of the originating countries)
entering new areas in search of access to natural resources
on preferential terms.
Several centuries ago, the growth of plantation agriculture
in large parts of the western hemisphere was essentially
the product of such a process. This was further facilitated
by cross-border movements of labour (in the extreme
case of African labour through slavery, then through
indentured labour contracts largely from South Asia,
then through supposedly more ''free'' movements driven
by lack of adequate income opportunities in the home
countries). Together these flows generated production
and trade patterns that were critical in shaping the
international division of labour by the mid-twentieth
In more recent cases, multinational agribusiness companies
from Europe and the United States have been active for
more than a decade now, acquiring prime agricultural
land in developing countries to grow cash crops and
biofuels that benefited from substantial subsidies provided
by developed country governments. But recently, this
global land rush has become even more competitive, with
companies from developing Asia, and particularly China
and India, joining the scramble for acquiring land.
A new research study by Rick Rowden (''India’s role
in the new global farmland grab'', GRAIN and ERF, at
provides some often startling insights into this process,
particularly with respect to Indian companies and the
explicit and implicit encouragement provided by the
Government of India. Most of the Indian companies involved
in such land purchase and lease arrangements have thus
far been focussed on Africa, but South America is also
seen as a promising new destination. And integrated
Indian oilseeds firms have already invested in South
East Asia, in operations ranging from plantation cultivation
to the processing of edible oils for export.
at the East African region alone, based on data provided
by governments in the region, Rowden finds that more
than 80 Indian companies have already invested about
$2.4 billion in buying or leasing huge plantations in
countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal
and Mozambique. The land will be used to grow food grains
and other cash crops for the global market, and in some
cases specifically for the Indian market.
It is not just the allure for Indian foreign investors
of much cheaper land and the promise of more abundant
water sources in these locations that have driven these
investments. It is interesting to note that many governments
in the African region have actively courted Indian and
other agricultural investors. They have typically offered
incentives, ranging from the permission to lease massive
tracts of arable land at very generous terms and providing
access to water, to promising the firms that they will
be allowed to export all output and have the ability
to repatriate all profits.
The Indian government, for its part, has both facilitated
and encouraged such investment, seeing it as a way out
of land availability issues and increasing problems
of water shortage facing Indian agriculture. In addition
to leading trade missions and supporting various initiatives
to facilitate Indian agricultural companies in their
overseas investments in Africa and elsewhere, it has
progressively liberalised the rules on outward FDI by
India companies. The Eximbank has provided lines of
credit and soft loans not only to African governments,
but also to Indian companies engaged in such transactions.
Ironically, many of these Indian companies operating
in Africa are engaging in activities that involve huge
displacement of farmers and changing patterns of production
and consumption that would either be difficult or impossible
for them to do in India. They would either be illegal
or get embroiled in very significant political controversies
because of the negative impact on local people.
Take, for instance, one of the most high profile of
recent deals, the acquisition of around 300,000 hectares
of land on long lease in the Gambela region of Ethiopia
by the Indian firm Karuturi Global Ltd. The claim is
that this was all surplus, or unutilized land that will
now be used for more efficient and productive cultivation.
But this is fiercely contested by several local analysts,
who point out that there is no such thing as ''idle land''
in Ethiopia, or indeed anywhere else in Africa.
It is well known that competition for grazing land and
access to water bodies are the two most important sources
of conflict between different pastoral communities in
Ethiopia, and in all such cases of land lease involving
foreign enterprises, there have been complaints by locals
of loss of access to grazing land and water. There have
been many cases of loss of cultivated land as well as
homestead land in the process, leading to simmering
discontent that has not yet been able to find political
Further, since the new cultivation practices will be
highly mechanized, there will necessarily be quite substantial
displacement of labour from the traditional smaller-sized
farms that will have lost land. And cultivation of the
traditional staple food crop teff has already been affected,
leading to significant increases in local prices of
this basic food crop which forms part of the subsistence
diet of most Ethiopians. Meanwhile, there are also growing
environmental concerns about the pattern of cultivation
that has been promoted through these new arrangements.
The large scale and heavily mechanised monocropping
farms that are being created typically depend upon high
levels of water usage and involve heavy doses of pesticides
and herbicides that can pollute nearby groundwater,
all of which can rapidly deplete soil quality.
What is even worse is that the contracts signed provide
a high degree of protection for the companies with low
responsibility for any adverse effects, and scant respect
for the rights of those affected by the contracts. Rowden’s
study provides detailed analysis of several contracts,
including that of Karuturi Global Ltd. with the government
of Ethiopia.
According to Karuturi’s signed lease agreement for the
first 100,000 hectares, it has been given the land for
50 years at a cost of total cost of only 100,000,000
birr (equivalent to $59.28 per hectare) for full use
of prime agricultural land, with yearly rent of only
$1.18 per hectare! The five contracts analysed all mention
that that the companies have the right to build dams,
water boreholes and irrigation systems as they see fit.
But there is no mention of paying for this water, how
much water would used or over what period of time, how
the usage would be monitored, or what the environmental
impacts would be on surrounding areas regarding the
water that would diverted for use by the companies.
With fixed term leases, the implications for over-exploitation
of this critical resource are obvious.
As a sign of how attractive the Ethiopian government
is seeking to make such investments, the contracts all
provide for ''Special investment privileges such as exemptions
from taxation and import duties on capital goods and
repatriation of capital and profits granted under the
investment laws of Ethiopia.'' None of these five contracts
for the Indian companies mention labour laws or specify
any wages or working conditions for their local employees.
There is no obligation to dedicate any portion of the
produced crops to the domestic market for local consumption.
In all the contracts analysed, the Indian companies
have the ''right'' to provide power health clinics, schools,
etc., but these are not listed under ''obligations'' of
the investors. Nor do the contracts specify for whom
these services might be provided - the local population
or for those of company workers. Since this is merely
a non-enforceable right, the companies may choose to
not act on it.
One of the most disturbing features of the contracts
relates to the displacement, the very aspect that is
currently the cause of so many intense disputes in India.
Rowden points out that ''the contract for Karuturi suggests
the Government of Ethiopia will evict any local people
who are in the way of the commercial project, by force
if necessary. Although this land has been or still is
home to thousands of Ethiopian citizens, Article 6.1
of the contract states: ''The lessor [Government of Ethiopia]
shall be obliged to deliver and hand over the vacant
possession of leased land free of impediments.'' Arguably
local people who are unwilling to leave their land could
be construed as ''impediments'' and the lessor is now
contractually obligated to ensure they are not a problem
for the company. Article 6.6 seems to suggest the Government
will provide police or military action against any resistance:
''The lessor [Government] shall ensure during the period
of lease, the lessee [Karuturi] shall enjoy peaceful
and trouble free possession of the premises and it shall
be provided adequate security, free of cost, for carrying
out its entire activities in the said premises, against
any riot, disturbance or any other turbulent time other
than force majeure, as and when requested by the Lessee.''
All these features point to a frightening new tendency
with respect to land acquisition by Indian companies.
As democratic processes in India force both Indian corporations
and the Government to take into account the rights of
local citizens, issues of compensation and rehabilitation
of those displaced, environmental concerns, the conditions
of workers, and other related aspects, there is an attempt
to export the problem by encouraging these companies
to undertake land grabs elsewhere in the developing
Surely all those who would fight such irresponsible
and exploitative corporate behaviour in India must raise
their voices against this tendency as well. At the very
least, we have to express solidarity with those like
Obang Metho, Director of the Solidarity Movement for
a New Ethiopia (SMNE), who in an ''Open Letter to the
People of India'' asked for the citizens of India to
take steps to stop the harmful land grabbing by Indian
companies in Ethiopia:
''I come to you first and foremost as a fellow human
as I call you to join our effort to stop the plundering
of Ethiopia and Africa by African dictators, their cronies
and their foreign partners-some of whom are Indian-who
are hungry for our resources but care little for our
people. …Will you help work within India to bring greater
transparency and compliance with whatever protective
laws and safeguards are in place in India?''
This is important for Indian democracy not only because
of the broader humanist considerations outlined by Metho,
but also because without this solidarity, the struggle
for greater economic justice within India will also
be undermined.
This article was originally published in the Frontline,
Vol. 28: No. 19 Sep 10 - 23, 2011.