Fifty Years after Bank Nationalization
Jul 22nd 2018, Prabhat Patnaik
Nationalised banks' NPAs arise not because of their "irresponsible" lending practices but because of changed government policies.
Can Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Mission protect health of India’s Poor?
Feb 20th 2018, Subhanil Chowdhury and Subrata Mukherjee
The recently introduced Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Mission has been projected as a big public intervention in the health sector for protecting the health of India's poor and vulnerable.
Can the RBI’s open Market Operations help the Rupee? 
Oct 10th 2018, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
The rupee's slide raises the question of whether India's central bank should intervene by selling dollars to prop up the currency. But past experience of such efforts has yielded mixed results, so other measures may be necessary.
Ayushman Bharat
Oct 1st 2018, Prabhat Patnaik
The Modi government's claim of ushering in the largest healthcare scheme in the world is completely vacuous. The chosen method of enlarging healthcare access to the poor is wrong both because of the route chosen (the insurance route which benefits insurance companies more than it benefits the patients) as well as because of the ridiculously paltry financial provision.
RCEP Deal can be Disastrous for India
Sep 13th 2018, Biswajit Dhar
Our FTA experience and existing trade imbalance with RCEP nations inform us that such a trade pact will hurt our producers.
India's Electronics Manufacturing Sector: Getting the Diagnosis Right
Sep 7th 2018, Smitha Francis
The Indian electronics industry's high dependence on imports is a direct outcome of the trade and investment liberalisation that was carried out by successive governments without putting in place the necessary industrial policy support for maintaining and improving domestic linkages and indigenous capabilities.
National IPR Policy and Innovation
Jul 18th 2016, Reji K. Joseph
This article seeks to analyse critically the relationship between innovation and IPRs with a view to understand the implications of the IPR Policy for India.
Revised Version of India's New Model Bilateral Investment Treaty
Jul 12th 2016, Andrew Cornford
The revised version of India's model bilateral investment treaty has introduced greater flexibility and has included some extensions of rules contained in the initial 2015 draft.
Dispute Settlement in International Investment Agreements and the Rules of an Indian Model Bilateral Investment Treaty
Sep 22nd 2015, Andrew Cornford
This article reviews the Indian model bilateral investment treaty and the major provisions of international investment treaties, often with special attention to their historical development.
From District to Town: The movement of food and food providers alike
Jan 8th 2013, Rahul Goswami
Policy obsession with urbanisation is changing the nature of crop production and food consumption in India as seen in the shifts in district rural-urban population balances.
FDI in Retail: Benefiting neo-liberalism, harming people
Sep 26th 2012, Subhanil Chowdhury
The decision of the UPA government to open up the retail sector in the country to FDI is an example of the basic fallacy in the 'growth fetishism' of the votaries of neo-liberalism. While the government argues that this move will generate investor confidence in the Indian economy and lead the country to high growth, in reality the problems of the common people - deprivation, poverty and hunger - far from being ameliorated, will actually be intensified.
Food and Agriculture: Trends in India into the early Twelfth Plan period
Apr 23rd 2012, Rahul Goswami

The transformation taking place in India's agriculture and crop cultivation choices is brought about by a few key factors that have begun to heavily influence the patterns of crop cultivation, the movement of food through India and the effect of these on nutrition on different income classes in rural and urban habitats. In this view, foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail and the influence of the retail food industry is linked with climate change impacts and the proposed genetic engineering solutions; the combining of agriculture, health and nutrition is aided by pro-technology policies and consumption geared for urbanising India; and the domination by the USA of the crop science, research agenda and market reform process is still evident. These factors are responsible for the repetition of the misdiagnosis of impending hunger in the country by the Government of India as being a consequence of a lack of food, to be tackled today, and tackled exclusively by technological means.

National FDI Concepts: Implications for investment negotiations
Jun 4th 2010, Smitha Francis

Free trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties make privileges for and treatment of foreign direct investors legally binding. Thus, apart from the concerns of being able to capture the ''real'' financial and economic contribution of foreign direct investment inflows, FDI definitions are also about protecting the ''rights'' of the so-defined investors in the host country. Keeping this in mind, the article analyses India's current FDI policy and warns that if we define FDI within our national regulatory framework too broadly to allow instruments and flexibility that were earlier resisted, we would have already lost most of the leverage in investment negotiations at the regional and multilateral levels.

Report on the State of Food Insecurity in Rural India
Nov 23rd 2009

This Report is an update of the Rural Food Insecurity Atlas of 2001 released by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Since then, numerous new programmes have been initiated by the central and state governments for achieving food security in the country. Giving a broad indicative picture of the level of food insecurity in different states and the operation of the nutrition safety net programmes, the Report concludes that the State has to play a crucial role in enhancing foodgrain output, ensuring the widest access to food through expansion of livelihood opportunities and promoting biological utilisation through appropriate investments in public health measures.

Equity and Inclusion through Public Expenditure: The potential of the NREGS
Jan 29th 2009, Jayati Ghosh

In the present situation of global economic crisis and national economic slowdown, ''inclusive'' public expenditure, such as in the NREGS, is not only desirable from a social or welfare perspective - it also provides very direct economic benefits. This is because wage employment schemes like NREGS tend to be self-targeting and thus will lead to a higher multiplier effect, making government expenditure more effective in reviving output and indirect employment.

Budgetary Policy in the Context of Inflation
Mar 30th 2007, Prabhat Patnaik

Negating the impact of the current inflationary episode in India on the poor requires both the ensuring of appropriate supplies through imports, and a transfer of purchasing power from the profit earners to the workers. Hence, even if augmentation of supplies through resorting to imports, as the government is doing now in the case of foodgrains, succeeds in ending inflation, there is still the need to put additional purchasing power in the hands of the poor so that they regain their earlier real income. The author argues that the basic problem with the 2007-08 budget is that it is oblivious of these social demands of a situation of profit inflation.

Singur and the Political Economy of Structural Change
Feb 17th 2007, Mritiunjoy Mohanty

The paper explores the controversy that has surrounded the West Bengal Government's land acquisition programme in Singur and situates it within the overall context of economic growth and transformation. It argues one of the most adversely affected groups as a result of the acquisition is relatively large farmers for whom agriculture is a source of accumulation and not livelihood and subsistence. This might explain in part why the resistance has been so strong. The paper argues that equitable and sustained growth is possible only by reducing the share of agriculture in the labour force and therefore that the West Bengal Government's strategy has to focus on maximising the generation of non-farm rural employment.

Resources for Equitable Growth
Dec 7th 2006, Economic Research Foundation

The declared aims of the Planning Commission's Approach to the XIth Plan, all of which require substantially increased public expenditure in physical infrastructure and social sectors, simply cannot be met within the confines of a restrictive fiscal policy stance. The need to rethink policies of resource generation and financial regulation is therefore urgent. In this context, this paper, presented to the National Commission on Enterprises in the Informal Sector, seeks to examine the effects of the three perceptions underlying the prevailing fiscal conservatism, questions their validity and offers some alternatives for mobilising resources for development.

The Revised Basel Capital Accord: The Logic, Content and Potential Impact for Developing Countries
Aug 31st 2006, Smitha Francis

Basel II is the modified framework of supervisory regulations governing capital adequacy for internationally active banks, published by the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision. This paper argues that while the Revised Accord is yet another attempt by the global financial community to remedy the woes associated with unhindered financial liberalization, it will only serve to exacerbate the already existing conflicts between the objectives of financial stability and economic development facing developing countries under the present paradigm.

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