Asset Price Inflation |
22nd 2010, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
recent action taken by the Reserve Bank of India to
hike repo and reverse repo rates has been interpreted
as a shift in focus to inflation control resulting from
a combination of comfortable growth figures and disconcerting
increases in the prices of goods, especially food articles.
What is surprising is that little concern is being expressed
and action being taken with regard to the sharp increase
in asset prices, especially equity prices. India's stock
market recovery over the last year and a half is a bit
too remarkable for comfort (Charts 1 and 2). From its
March 9, 2009 level of 8,160, the Sensex at closing
soared to touch 19,594 on September 17, 2010. This is
not far short of the 20,870 peak the index closed at
on September 1, 2008. This steep increase the index
has registered in recent months occurs when the after
effects of the global crisis are still being felt in
various parts of the world where the recovery has been
halting and unemployment still rampant.
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This rapid rise in stock prices cannot be justified
by movements in corporate sales and profits. In fact,
the price earnings ratio of many Sensex companies now
stands at levels which many market observers see as
unsustainable, resulting in recommendations that investors
should book profits and hold cash till the market corrects
itself. Those comfortable with the market's rise would
of course argue that investors, expecting a robust recovery,
are implicitly factoring in future earnings trends,
rather than relying on earnings figures that are the
legacy of a recession. However, there are obvious reasons
for caution. In the coming months the once-for-all component
in the stimulus that the Sixth Pay Commission's recommendations
provided would wane. And once the windfall gains from
privatisation and spectrum sales are inadequate to reduce
the deficit on the government's budget, a cutback of
government expenditure is likely. Finally, exports are
still doing badly and the global recovery is widely
expected to be gradual and limited. That would limit
the stimulus provided by India's foreign trade. Given
these circumstances, excessive optimism with regard
to corporate earnings is hardly justified. The change
in perception from one in which India was a country
that weathered the crisis well to one that sees India
as set to boom once again is not grounded in fundamentals
of any kind.
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This implies that the current bull run can be explained
only as being the result of a speculative surge that
recreates the very conditions that led to the collapse
of the Sensex from its close to 21,000 peak of around
a year ago. This surge appears to have followed a two
stage process. In the first, investors who had held
back or withdrawn from the market during the slump appear
to have seen India as a good bet once expectations of
a global recovery had set in. This triggered a flow
of capital that set the Sensex rising. Second, given
the search for investment avenues in a world once again
awash with liquidity, this initial spurt in the index
appears to have attracted more capital, triggering the
current speculative boom in the market.
While these are possible proximate explanations of the
transition from slump to boom, they in turn need explaining.
In doing so, we have to take account of the fact that,
as in the past, foreign investors have dominated stock
market transactions and had an important role in triggering
the current stock market boom. As compared to the net
sales of equity to the tune of $14.84 billion by foreign
institutional investors during crisis year 2008, they
had made net purchases of equity worth $17.23 billion
during 2009. During 2010 that figure had touched $15.62
billion by the middle of September. In fact figures
on FII investment do not tell the whole story on the
effects of foreign investors on equity prices. Figures
from the RBI indicate that not only did foreign portfolio
investment, which fell from $27.3 billion in 2007-08
to a negative $13.86 billion in 2008-09, bounce back
to $32.38 billion in 2009-10, but foreign direct investment
has risen consistently from $34.83 billion to $35.18
billion and $37.18 billion over these years. In the
event total foreign investment was close to a record
$70 billion in 2009-10. Since any investment equal to
or exceeding 10 per cent of stock in a company by a
single investor is defined as direct investment, a significant
amount of purely private investment gets treated as
direct investment in the figures. Thus, speculative
financial investments could have been significantly
higher in recent months.
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It is not surprising that
foreign institutional investors have returned to the
market. They need to make investments and profits to
recoup losses suffered during the financial meltdown.
And they have been helped in that effort by the large
volumes of credit provided at extremely low interest
rates by governments and central banks in the developed
countries seeking to bail out fragile and failing financial
firms. The credit crunch at the beginning of the crisis
gave way to an environment awash with liquidity as governments
and central bankers pumped money into the system at
near-zero interest rates. Financial firms have chosen
to borrow and invest this money in markets where returns
are promising so as to quickly turn losses into profit.
Some was reinvested in government bonds in the developed
countries, since governments were lending at rates lower
than those at which they were borrowing. Some was invested
in commodities markets, leading to a revival in some
of those markets, especially oil. And some returned
to the stock and bond markets, including those in the
so-called emerging markets like India. Many of these
bets, such as investments in government bonds, were
completely safe. Others such as investments in commodities
and equity were risky. But the very fact that money
was rushing into these markets meant that prices would
rise once again and ensure profits. In the event, bets
made by financial firms have come good, and most of
them have begun declaring respectable profits and recording
healthy stock market valuations.
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is to be expected that a country like India would receive
a part of these new investments aimed at delivering
profits to private players but financed at one remove
by central banks and governments. In their case the
''carry trade'' appears extremely profitable. Not surprisingly,
India has received more than a fair share of these investments.
One way to explain this would be to recognise the fact
that India fared better during the recession period
than many other developing counties and was therefore
a preferred hedge for investors seeking investment destinations.
The other reason is the expectation fuelled by the return
of the UPA to government, this time with a majority
in Parliament and the repeated statements by its ministers
that they intend to push ahead with the ever-unfinished
agenda of economic liberalisation and ''reform''. The
UPA II government has, for example, made clear that
disinvestment of equity in or privatisation of major
public sector units is on the cards. That caps on foreign
direct investment in a wide range of industries including
insurance are to be relaxed. That public-private partnerships
(in which the government absorbs the losses and the
private sector skims the profits) are to be encouraged
in infrastructural projects, with government lending
to or guaranteeing private borrowing to finance private
investments. That the tenure of tax concessions given
to STPI units and units in SEZs are to be extended.
And that corporate tax rates are likely to be reduced
and capital gains taxes perhaps abolished.
All of this generates expectations that there are likely
to be easy opportunities for profit delivered by an
investor-friendly government in the near future, including
for those who seek out these opportunities only to transfer
them for profit soon thereafter. These opportunities,
moreover, are not seen as dependent on a robust revival
of growth, though some expect them to strengthen the
recovery. In sum, whether intended or not, the signals
emanating from the highest economic policy making quarters
have helped talk up the Indian market, allowing equity
prices to race ahead of earnings and fundamentals. Once
the speculative surge began, triggered by the inflow
of large volumes of footloose global capital, Indian
investors joined the game financed very often by the
liquidity being pumped into the system by the Indian
central bank. The net result is the current speculative
boom that seems as much a bubble as the one that burst
not so long ago. What is more, that bubble is being
expended by the strengthening of the rupee that the
capital inflows result in, which promises even higher
returns on carry trade investments.
There are three conclusions that flow from this sequence
of events. The first is that using liquidity injection
and credit expansion as the principal instrument to
combat a downturn or recession amounts to creating a
new bubble to replace the one that went bust. The problem
is that while the error was made largely in the developed
countries, where the so-called stimulus involved injecting
liquidity and cheap credit into the system, the effects
are felt globally including in emerging markets like
India. The second is that so long as the rate of inflation
in the prices of goods is in the comfort zone, central
bankers stick to an easy money policy even if the evidence
indicates that such policy is leading to unsustainable
asset price inflation. It was this practice that led
to the financial collapse triggered by the sub-prime
mortgage crisis in the US. Third, that governments in
emerging markets like India have not learnt the lesson
that when a global expansion in liquidity leads to a
capital inflow surge into the country it does more harm
than good, warranting controls on the excessive inflow
of such capital. Rather, goaded by financial interests
and an interested media, the government treats the boom
as a sign of economic good health rather than a sign
of morbidity, and plans to liberalise capital controls
even more. In the event, we seem to have engineered
another speculative surge. The crisis, clearly, has
not taught most policy makers any lessons.
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